
The Catch-22 of Diagnostic Testing for AADC Deficiency

Another hospital visit and another test. Searching for answers for the condition of our daughter, Rylae-Ann, meant constant hospital admissions. Between testing and treating complications of this mystery disease, the hospital staff knew us by name. These trips involved drawing vials of blood, extracting cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), taping electrodes to…

Airline Travel Tips for Children With Special Needs

Airports are notorious for their challenging security and health requirements. Parents of children with special needs may find the thought of airline travel too daunting to even try it. However, we’ve done it three times on international trips with our young daughter, who has aromatic l-amino acid decarboxylase (AADC)…

Our Family Values the Power of Grandmas

Father’s Day has just passed in the United States, and I appreciate all the wishes and wonderful comments I receive each year. However, this year, I’ve been thinking about the power of grandmas — the family members who have the greatest experience of being a parent. In my case, the…