
Upstaza, Gene Therapy for AADC Deficiency, Approved in UK

The gene therapy Upstaza (eladocagene exuparvovec) has been approved in the U.K. to treat adults and children, 18 months and older, with aromatic l-amino acid decarboxylase (AADC) deficiency. This decision by the country’s Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) comes about four months after a similar approval by…

Classifying DDC Variants Will Help Interpret Genetic Test Results

Researchers classified variants of the DDC gene that causes AADC deficiency according to their disease-causing potential, a study reported, the first study to identify and characterize previously unknown DDC variants. “Given that genetic testing is a core diagnostic test for AADC deficiency, a comprehensive catalogue of the genetic variants…

Recent Review Confirms Most Common Signs of AADC Deficiency

A review of recent medical literature confirmed low muscle tone, developmental delays, and oculogyric crises — when the gaze becomes fixed upward due to spasms in the eye muscles — are all hallmark signs of aromatic l-amino acid decarboxylase (AADC) deficiency, with symptom onset occurring within 6 months of…

Survey to ID Barriers Facing Minorities With Rare Diseases

An upcoming U.S. survey, reported to be the first of its kind, aims for a better understanding of barriers to healthcare access and affordability among rare disease patients and caregivers in racial minority or other marginalized groups, and to help inform ways to remove them. The initiative is led by…

NORD Welcomes Renewal of FDA User Fees, But Wants More

While the National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD) is pleased Congress voted to reauthorize the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) user fee program — as part of a U.S. government short-term spending package (HR 6833) — it noted the legislation falls short in areas important to…

AADC Deficiency Misdiagnosed as Epilepsy: Case Study

Symptoms that mimicked epilepsy led to the misdiagnosis of a Chinese infant girl with aromatic l-amino acid decarboxylase (AADC) deficiency, a case study reported. The researchers noted the case emphasizes the difficulty distinguishing between epileptic episodes, or seizures, and oculogyric crisis — a common symptom of AADC…

Study Shows Cognitive Range in AADC Deficiency Patients

People with AACD deficiency commonly experience emotional problems and intellectual disability, though the severity of cognitive impairment varies markedly among patients, a new study indicates. “Our study provides further evidence that AADCD requires specific neurological and neuropsychological assessments to monitor the disease,” the study’s researchers wrote. The study, “Long-term…