
Girl with seizures found to have mild AADC deficiency: Report

Researchers say childhood epilepsy and mild attention deficits were effectively “hiding” a case of mild aromatic l-amino acid decarboxylase (AADC) deficiency in a teenage girl, according to a new case report. “In this study, we describe a 13-year-old girl with late-onset, mild, and atypical AADC deficiency diagnosed ‘by chance’…

FDA meeting on Thursday to focus on improving patient engagement

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), in collaboration with Duke University’s Duke-Margolis Center for Health Policy, will hold a virtual public meeting on Thursday, Dec. 14 with an aim toward ultimately improving patient community engagement in the development of rare disease treatments — including ones for  aromatic l-amino…

Better treatment for rare diseases needed via compassionate use

Most people with rare diseases given an experimental therapy through compassionate use programs show clinical benefits, and most of these treatments ultimately end up getting approved, according to a review study. Based on these findings, the researchers argued that such programs — allowing certain patients with limited options access to…

Scientist: AADC deficiency can cause neurodegeneration in brain

Although AADC deficiency is characterized by low levels of signaling molecules in the brain that impair its normal function, the disease may also cause neurodegeneration, a study suggests. Understanding how the disease may result in the gradual dysfunction, and ultimately death, of brain nerve cells could open up new…