Steve Bryson, PhD,  science writer—

Steve holds a PhD in biochemistry from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Toronto, Canada. As a medical scientist for 18 years, he worked in both academia and industry, where his research focused on the discovery of new vaccines and medicines to treat inflammatory disorders and infectious diseases. Steve is a published author in multiple peer-reviewed scientific journals and a patented inventor.

Articles by Steve Bryson

General anesthesia safe for AADC gene therapy surgery: Case series

Prolonged general anesthesia appears to be safe for children with AADC deficiency undergoing surgery for gene therapy, according to the first case series of its kind. Still, precautions must be taken throughout procedures due to complications associated with general anesthesia in this patient population, including abnormal changes in blood…

Collaboration seeks to advance ASO treatment options for rare diseases

The N-Lorem Foundation has partnered with Gondolabio to discover and advance novel antisense oligonucleotide (ASO) treatment options — medications that can correct genetic abnormalities in people — for nano-rare patients, or those with extremely rare diseases. First, the California-based nonprofit will leverage its ASO discovery platform to identify…

Rare disease legislation in US for research, access to care, advances

The Energy and Commerce Health subcommittee of the U.S. House of Representatives has voted to advance proposed legislation — several bipartisan bills — to support research into rare disease, including conditions such as aromatic l-amino acid decarboxylase (AADC) deficiency. Among the bills moving forward are two that will encourage…

Self-directed immune attack cause of woman’s AADC deficiency

A 62-year-old woman was found to have acquired aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase (AADC) deficiency due to a self-directed autoimmune attack, a case study reported. She also had severe orthostatic hypotension, or a drop in blood pressure when standing up, which was successfully treated with vitamin B6 supplements,…

Experts urge new guidelines for gene therapy in AADC deficiency

A group of international experts in aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase (AADC) deficiency and similar neurologic conditions have developed guidelines for the safe application of gene therapy in AADC patients, and for needed outcome follow-up. The new recommendations come within a year of approvals in the European Union and the…